ACT Fibernet, an internet service provider (ISP) in India, has organised ‘Fibernet on Wheels’ to help customers living in Bengaluru who have been affected by the heavy rainfall. For the last couple of days, several areas of Bengaluru or Bangalore have been flooded with rainwater. This has resulted in an interruption in network services. Bengaluru is India’s tech hub, and network disruption in the city would potentially cost millions of dollars, if not more, to the economy. To ensure that consumers keep getting seamless internet services, ACT Fibernet has organised ‘Fibernet on Wheels’. The company said that residents of Rohan Jharoka (Yemalur) experienced internet connectivity disruption because of flooding in the server room. Under this initiative of ACT Fibernet, the company said that it has set up a server in the exterior premises of the community for provided uninterrupted internet services. This would enable consumers to stay connected with the world and also keep learning and working from their homes.

ACT Broadband Organises  Fibernet on Wheels  to Help Rain Affected Bengaluru Residents - 20