LG Electronics, a consumer electronics giant, has pledged Rs 1 crore to the Indian Armed Forces in the coming Republic Day, under its #KarSalaam initiative. The company had launched the initiative back in 2017, and it is dedicated to the veterans of the Indian Armed Forces, saluting their spirit of generous contribution and service towards the nation. The contributions made by LG towards this initiative were used for the education of children in 2021.

LG to Run Awareness Campaign in 7000 Retail Stores

LG will go a step further and help with spreading public awareness and urge and request citizens of the country to show support for the cause by contributing to the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund. The company will be running a digital campaign, ads on TV and radio between January 20 to January 31, 2022, for reaching out to more people. In addition to this, the awareness campaign will also run in over 7,000 retail stores across the country.

LG Electronics Pledges Rs 1 Crore to Indian Armed Forces - 28