Login Screens The first thing that bears resemblance in PUBG Mobile Lite with the actual version of the game is the splash and login screen. The matchmaking screen on the PUBG Mobile Lite is also same the screen on PUBG Mobile. The Difference in Players The difference in the number of players is one of the striking differences between the PUBG Mobile Lite and the standard PUBG Mobile game. The PUBG Mobile, as you would expect, accommodates more players at one time and this number goes as high as 100 players at one time, that is not the case with PUBG Mobile Lite. In the watered down version of PUBG for mobiles, there are at max 40 players competing for Chicken Dinner at one time. Game Modes This is another difference between the PUBG Mobile and PUBG Mobile Lite. While the PUBG Mobile offers tons of modes to the players, the players on PUBG Mobile Lite are limited to choosing from squad, duo and solo matches in TPP. Although in the coming days it is possible that Tencent might extend more modes to the PUBG Mobile Lite. Graphics and Map There is also some difference in the map and graphics of PUBG Mobile Lite, as the map on the game seems like it is an extract of the actual Erangel map. The graphics on the game have also been tweaked to be slightly less amped up to make the game smooth for lower specification smartphones. App Size To be easy on the phones that the PUBG Mobile Lite will run on, the game has been designed such that it comes in a miniscule 388MB package. On the other hand, the size of the actual PUBG Mobile is 1.8GB, thus making PUBG Mobile Lite the right choice for people aspiring to play the game on low storage.

PUBG Mobile Lite  40 Players  Low End Mobile Support and More Features You Need to Know - 92