In a bid to take on Facebook-owned WhatsApp, Telegram is rolling out a slew of new features. The first major feature gained by Telegram is auto delete messages which was added to WhatsApp as disappearing messages feature a couple of months ago. Telegram used to offer this feature on Secret Chats, but it is now enhanced with timer functionality. Telegram also added the ‘Broadcast Groups’ feature where participants can connect with a live voice chat. The instant messaging platform also brought an improved reporting system, home screen widgets on Android & iOS and it also improved the chat import feature. Telegram also improved the spam reporting system on its platform. Read on to know more about the new features added to Telegram.

Telegram Auto Delete Messages Feature: Here’s How It Works

Telegram has been offering Auto Delete Messages feature for a long time now, but it was limited to Secret Chats only. After the latest update, Telegram users can now set a timer of 24 hours or seven days in any chats before sending messages. After the selected timeframe, the messages will be disappeared for all the users in a Group or Channel or direct chat. Only admins will be able to enable this feature or edit in a group or channel. All the messages show a countdown of deletion time. Users can also track the time to specific messages by simply tap on Android or press and hold on iOS. Telegram says the auto-delete messages only apply to messages sent after the timer is set.

Other Features Introduced to Telegram

Moving on, Telegram has introduced a new form of Group called Broadcast Groups. In such groups, only admins will be able to send messages, but all the participants in the group can join the live voice chat for discussions via audio. Unlike normal Telegram groups which support up to 2,00,000 members, Broadcast Groups are ideal for even large communities. Did it remind Clubhouse? Well, it is similar to that except for the fact that you will be in a group forever. Telegram also rolled out an ‘Improved Reporting System.’ Users can now report any spam content, fake accounts, any content related to violence, child abuse, pornography, etc. The next feature added to Telegram is ‘Expiring Invite Links.’ As the name of the feature itself suggests, group admins can now create additional links to share with limited duration and number or uses or both. There’s also a new scannable QR codes functionality. Telegram says any invite link can also be converted to a scannable QR code. This allows admins to track from what sources more number of users are joining the group. Lastly, Telegram users can now add widgets on their home screen. Telegram supports two types of widgets- Chat Widget and Shortcut Widget. The Chat Widget shows a preview of recent messages, while the Shortcut Widget shows only names and profile pictures. On Android, the chats and messages in the widgets will always up to date with further expansion options, whereas on iOS, it will be on an occasional basis.

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