WhatsApp for KaiOS will soon get the feature of status messages. The announcement was made by software engineering lead for WhatsApp on KaiOS, Joe Grinstead, in a recent interview with Android Central. WhatsApp has been built from scratch for KaiOS users, and the app comes pre-installed in KaiOS powered devices. Earlier WhatsApp was rolled in KaiOS powered devices with limited feature, but WhatsApp has been extensively adding new features and enhancing customer experience. Joe Grinstead, in the interview, also stated that new features would be rolled out soon in future.

WhatsApp Status Feature is at Gold Master Stage

Joe Grinstead stated that WhatsApp status message feature is at Gold Master Stage, which means that the feature is ready to roll out on KaiOS devices. Though the status message feature is quite a normal update from the company, but KaiOS users will be able to use the WhatsApp status message feature without witnessing any performance issues. The exact launch date of the WhatsApp status feature is still unknown. However, KaiOS users can expect the feature in their devices soon.

WhatsApp For KaiOS has Been Built from Scratch

Since KaiOS runs on low-hardware, WhatsApp has been designed from scratch to improve user experiences and eliminate performance issues. Joe Grinstead, in the interview, stated that he and his team are working on a lot of features which will be rolled out soon for KaiOS users. Currently, WhatsApp for KaiOS has all the core features like one-to-one group chats, sharing media files, contact and location sharing. Another most used feature present in WhatsApp for KaiOS is the voice message feature. The voice message feature gets attention from users as it is more comforting and easier than the T9 keyboard.

Voice and Video Call Feature is Not Present in WhatsApp for KaiOS

Various WhatsApp features like voice and video calls, chat backups, WhatsApp web and custom notification tones are not present in WhatsApp for KaiOS. However, the features are being rolled out step by step by the company to ensure a comfortable browsing experience. KaiOS users can expect all the core and amazing features of WhatsApp in their devices soon.

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